Giorgio's Blog

About Me

Hello, internet! My name is Giorgio Arcamone, and I am a software engineer from Connecticut.

I've been coding since my early teens, and dabbled in almost everything under the sun. I prefer curly-braces and semicolons -- I think C-like languages are pretty cool! With that in mind, I'm presently focused on building interesting systems using web applications and related technologies. That means PHP and Javascript, but I've dabbled with Go and C# too.

PHP is pretty great! Don't buy the hate.

Regarding education, I'm a self-taught programmer, and hold a few certifications - ZCE from Zend and Scrum Master from the Scrum Alliance. I also attended Western Connecticut State University. While at WestConn I joined Zeta Beta Tau, and climbed the ranks to become Zeta Theta's Chapter President. Social/service organizations like those found in greek life play an important role in teaching our youth the value of giving back to their communities; I am grateful to have had this experience, and encourage others to do so.

The chapter at one of our campus-wide social events.

I'm also an open-source enthusiast. Wanting to learn more about computers, I picked up a few Linux distributions and dove right in. These days I'm a fan of Debian as far as Linux systems go, but I'm also a huge fan of FreeBSD. There are some really excellent features like the Ports tree, ZFS and Jails.

You might say I'm a devil's advocate.